Atabey: Mother Earth

Monday, January 18, 2021

Scent of tobacco… 

Ringing of bells… 

Smoke clearing…

Colorful ribbons on a mantle…

Statues of divinity…

A sweetness in the air…

These are the things that pop in to my head when I think of my grandmother.

A woman who embodies what is my afro-latinx experience.

She held on to the indigenous traditions passed down to her as best she could.

Taught me how to keep moving forward with the sacred.

Always reminded me that I am made of 3 parts, Spanish, African and Taino.

She gifted me the stories of what she knew of the people that came before her.

She was everything to me.

The anchor to my paternal lineage that felt too far away and was slipping from my grasp.

Her face, a mirror lovingly looking back at me.

Seeing a reflection of my soul as I stare at the aged face with lines that carved out her wisdom beautifully.

I hope to look like you then, even more than I do now.

Thinking back on our conversations, of the fulfillment you had in your life.

You left no stone unturned and did what you wanted in the ways that you could.

Your smile, now a dream to me.

Your voice, a treasure I will hold on to.

I am your dream aracoel, coming to life.

Holding on to the torch you have passed on to me, in a new life form, with the same face.

Always, Stephy


  1. The fondness and love you have for your abuela is so beautiful. I can’t help to be reminded of the warmth and unconditional love that mine had for me, and I wish you so much peace as you reflect on your memories of her. 💛
