I Am The Muse

Thursday, January 28, 2021

I hang on to every word of your breath.

The animated movement of your hands and neck in tandem with your words.

The bounce of your curls swaying.

I am amazed by this crown and glory you vehemently labor over.

Every trellis perfectly placed to accentuate the beauty in your face.

The brown highlights of your hair matching the specks of gold in your eyes.

Your eyes, an almond shaped marvel that has seen more things than a person your age should.

The pockets of your face.

Every small detail of you too important to be erased.

I watch as you move your hand to your cheek, lightly brushing off the feeling of me watching you so intently.

You bring your nails to your lips because you love the attention but hate when it lingers.

It’s so you.

I wish you saw yourself how I do.

How can a person so marvelous and of her own accord be insecure?

I let this thought go

Because who am I to judge the paths you’ve walked that brought you here.

I don’t know anyone who could walk a mile in your shoes and come out on top the way you have.

All the hurt you’ve endured but a heart so tender, you wouldn’t believe a bad thing ever happened to you.

I watch your body as you walk across the room.

As you touch the soft skin of your belly.

Your curves rolling from your back to your hips meeting at the touch of your thighs.

I see the darkness of the skin there.

Skin that has roughened by the long roads you walked before.

Asphalt roads forged by the passion within you, hot like a fire.

Every inch of your being, connected, with the fibers of this flame.

You are the magic the world needs.

I am grateful to be blessed with the presence of your divine being.

XoXo, Stephy

Note: This piece was inspired by a journal reflection where I wrote a list of things I do not like about myself. I took that list and wrote a love letter to me. I was forced to look at myself intimately and find new ways to love these parts. It was an exercise in self-love and creativity. I challenge you to write a love letter to yourself too because every part of you is important and deserves to be loved by YOU intently. Leave it in a comment below because i’d love to read it.



  1. a powerful reflection of your inner and outer beauty! we all spend so much energy focusing on our flaws, this was a great reminder to let go and love yourself… flaws and all

  2. Deep and beautiful! Thanks for sharing this + the journal prompt.
