Thoughts from December 20th, 2020
I want to share a quote from my soul brother,
”You are the proof of POSSIBLE when you grow up in a world that tells you that everything’s impossible.”
-Tristan Thompson
This hit me right in the heart chakra 💚
and powered up my solar plexus 💛
This meaning, I was so filled up with love that it boosted my self power and confidence.
I can get really down on myself sometimes, believing the lies that somehow no matter how much work I put in I’m not good enough.
I don’t celebrate my accomplishments enough and at times I go through life wondering what I can even contribute to this world. It’s times like this where I am grateful to the people who see me and uplift me when I need it most. Tristan’s simple words strung together by the thread of his thought made me stand in my power and remember who the fuck I am. I am reminded of the last words of the Lucille Clifton poem,
“come celebrate with me that everyday something has tried to kill me and has failed.”
Lucille Clifton
I am here, spirit is with me, my ancestors are with me, my community is supporting me. I am the possible because even after all the doors of rooms I wanted to be in closed in my face, I AM STILL HERE.
I have come to realize my purpose in life is to uplift others, have you found your why?
xoxo – Stephy
The world needs more authenticity and individuals sharing their passion with others. I have found my why but sometimes reminders are needed to keep us going. Beautifully written and Tristan definitely said a word with that quote.